Cool Summer Rides with Electric Bikes

/ Jul 9, 2024 / Stephen T
Cool Summer Rides with Electric Bikes

Summer is here, and it's the perfect time to get out on your electric bike and enjoy the warm weather. Electric bikes offer a great way to get around town while getting some exercise and fresh air. This guide will help you prepare for a refreshing and enjoyable e-bike ride during the hot months.

Getting Your E-Bike Ready for Summer

Before embarking on a summer e-bike adventure, it's imperative to perform a thorough check to ensure your ride is safe and enjoyable.

Start with the battery; make sure it is fully charged and functioning correctly. An unexpected battery failure can leave you stranded, especially on longer rides. Inspect the battery for any signs of wear or damage and consider carrying a spare if you plan to travel far.

Next, turn your attention to the brakes. Test both the front and rear brakes to confirm they respond promptly and effectively. Brake pads should not be excessively worn, and there should be no unusual noises like squeaking or grinding. Effective brakes are crucial for your safety, especially when navigating busy roads or steep descents.

Lastly, check the tires. Ensure they are properly inflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure. This not only guarantees a smoother ride but also reduces the risk of flats and improves overall bike handling. Inspect the tires for any cuts, punctures, or worn tread, which could lead to a blowout.

You may want to know: How To Maintain Your Ebike

Tips For Staying Cool While Riding An E-bike In The Summer

1. Hydration is Key

Bring extra water

Drink Up Before, During, and After. This might seem obvious, but it's crucial. Don't wait until you're thirsty – thirst is a sign you're already dehydrated. Aim for at least 20 ounces of water per hour on an average summer ride.

Even if you plan a short ride, things can change. Carry an extra water bottle or hydration pack to ensure you have enough water on hand for detours or longer journeys.

2. Protect Yourself from the Sun

Summer sun can be brutal on your skin, so slather on sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher before your ride. Reapply frequently, especially after sweating or toweling off.

Opt for sweat-resistant sunscreen for long rides, but remember, reapplication is key regardless. Pay close attention to exposed areas like your neck, ears, and the tops of your hands. Sunglasses and a hat or visor can protect your eyes and face from the sun's harsh rays.

3. Planning Your Route

Planning Your Route

Planning your ride according to the weather can significantly impact your comfort. Check the forecast to determine when the temperature will be highest and plan your ride for early morning or evening when it’s cooler. This helps you avoid the peak heat of the day and enjoy a more comfortable ride.

Nobody enjoys battling the midday blaze. Prioritize routes with dappled shade from towering trees or navigate alongside structures that offer respite from the sun's harsh glare. Lush parks, greenways, and wooded trails can be your havens on a hot day, allowing you to cruise comfortably without succumbing to the heat.

4. Optimize Your E-Bike's Features

Use your e-bike's pedal-assist or throttle mode to reduce physical exertion. Don't push yourself too hard, especially in the heat. It's all about enjoying the ride, not setting speed records.

Your e-bike's assist can help you maintain a steady pace without overworking your body in high temperatures.

5. Wear Lightweight, Breathable Clothing

Opt for loose-fitting, lightweight, and breathable clothing to stay cool during your summer rides. Choose moisture-wicking fabrics that allow sweat to evaporate quickly, keeping you dry and comfortable. Light-colored clothing reflects sunlight, helping to maintain a lower body temperature.

Skip the backpack if you can. A basket attached to your e-bike allows for better airflow around your body and keeps you cooler.

6. Keep Your Battery Cool

Just like you, your e-bike's battery doesn't like extreme heat. Avoid storing your e-bike in direct sunlight for extended periods, as this can damage the battery and reduce its capacity. If you're camping or on a long trip, consider removing the battery for storage in a cooler location.

Related Reading: How To Care For Ebike Battery

Endless Possibilities for Summer Adventures

Endless Possibilities for Summer Adventures

Sunshine and warm breezes become the perfect fuel for exploring farther than ever before. Here's how e-bikes can power up your summertime fun:

Conquer the Countryside

Cruise along scenic backroads, soaking up breathtaking vistas and charming farmlands. The e-bike's gentle assist lets you conquer rolling hills and extend your journey, turning quaint villages and historical landmarks into your personal pit stops.

Coastal Cruising

Feel the refreshing ocean spray on your face as you zip along the coastline. E-bikes allow you to explore long stretches of beach uninterrupted, stopping whenever the mood strikes to snap pictures, grab a bite at a waterfront cafe, or simply bask in the sun.

Silent Forest Explorer

Embark on an eco-friendly adventure on wooded trails. The quiet hum of the electric motor won't disturb the wildlife, allowing you to truly immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature. Plus, the e-bike's extra push will help you conquer those tough inclines, so you can reach that hidden waterfall or secluded meadow.

Sightseeing in Style

Breathe new life into your usual sightseeing routine. E-bikes let you cover more ground in a comfortable, car-free way. Tour charming towns, visit historical sites, or spend a day museum hopping without breaking a sweat. By the time lunch rolls around, you'll have a healthy dose of exercise and a fresh perspective on your favorite local spots.


Summer electric bike riding is a great way to get exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and reduce your carbon footprint. By following the tips in this article, you can have a safe and enjoyable summer cycling experience. So, get out there and enjoy the ride!

Check out our excellent range of electric bikes and save up to $700 on some of our best-selling models during our summer promotion from July 1st to July 15th!

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